Speech and Language Therapy services

Our services address families, early childhood educators and professionals.

Melissa Farkouh, SPEECH THERAPIST.

WFW was founded in 2013 when I decided to start my own business. Feeling restricted in the public sector, I wanted to offer more flexible services and try to alleviate the stress experienced by the people involved in the life and development of a child.

As a result, WFW offers bilingual services in speech and language therapy at home, at the daycare centre, at school, and at the clinic. We serve pediatric clients up to school age, with everything related to language, speech, and overall communication development.

Recently, we have expanded our horizons to include telepractice to serve customers who would otherwise not have access to services due to their geographic location or due to time constraints.

We have also developed numerous partnerships in speech and language therapy with daycare centers, schools and various groups that allow us to offer each sector the most efficient and continuous individualized services possible.


You can expect quality speech and language therapy service that will, above all, make your life easier.

  • We dissect every step in a coherent manner to target a particular goal.
  • We rely on tools and interventions advocated by scientific research.
  • We are your turnkey speech language resource – simply.
  • We want to promote a collaborative approach among all the actors in your child’s life.
  • We provide complete and unique speech care to each child.
  • We are here to answer your questions related to language and communication development.

Melissa Farkouh

Mom, clinician, instructor, founder

I specialize in bilingualism with pediatric and elementary school age clients since 2011, and I am a bilingual mother of two bilingual children. Being of Egyptian origin, I know the importance of staying open and aware to cultural variations and differences.

My passion propels me into my desire to simplify the interventions supported by scientific research.

I advocate a collaborative approach among all those involved in the child’s development to enable the child to reach his full potential.

I always aim to improve my support to families and other professionals who are part of the child’s environment.

In addition, I conduct training and conferences on various topics related to language and communication development.

After completing my Masters degree at McGill University at the School of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders, I obtained my clinician speech-language license in 2011 from the Ordre des Orthophonistes et Audiologistes du Québec (OOAQ http://www.ooaq.qc.ca).

I also obtained my license from the Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (OCA http://www.sac-oac.ca) organization.

Subsequently, I pursued a journey rich in speech-language experience in the public sector, including:

  • Rehabilitation services for preschool clients with language difficulties, developmental language disorders, developmental speech disorders, or language disorders associated with a variety of disabilities
  • Neurological rehabilitation service for adults who have suffered a stroke in order to target a language or speech disorder associated with the stroke in question
  • Adult clients in hospitals in acute and short-term care, mainly suffering from dysphagia, language or speech disorders associated with various pathologies
  • Geriatric clientele in CHSLD settings
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